The introvert-extrovert dichotomy
This will be a drabble,because I'm severely constrained for time and trying to write for multiple blogs isn't as easy as I thought:| If our source of energy were a scale,at one end would be introverts and at the other extroverts with ambiverts being at dead centre. However,the real world is more complex than this and that's what this article is about. I recently read a comment on my blog that said " Deep down,all of us are introverts.It's just about how well we can play the part of an extrovert " While I was skeptical about everyone being an introvert,it was this perception that intrigued me.Since then,I have been contemplating on past conversations and incidents where several people have said something along these lines to me. Most people do not like the idea of being called extroverts.They look at it as something of an insult, as if it is "uncool" to be one.They all want to be "cool" enigmatic,mysterious introverts with hidden dept...